Postcards sent: 5
Postcards received: 4
Postcards in progress: 0
Stars received: 5.00
Country: Turkey
Languages: English, русский
Member since: 08 April 2024
Last activity: 21 March 2025
Hey! My name is Katya. Now I live in the city of Mersin, which is located on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Sea, mountains, waterfalls - Mersin has it all! There are very long beautiful promenade and unique ancient buildings.
I came from a small village, which is located in Chuvashia (republic in Russia). I also lived for some time in Kazan and Moscow. These are also beautiful cities, but they are cold most of the time.
By the way, I am 25 years old and I love my life very much and try to enjoy every little thing.
I'm a big Harry Potter fan. Not long ago I started collecting figures from this universe. The collection is still small, but it is actively growing. Besides this, I collect books. There's nothing better than the smell of a new book, right? In Turkey, my shelf with books is small, but every time my friends bring me books from Russia, and I buy Turkish books myself. Although I can’t read them yet because I don’t know the language, I hope to fix that soon. I like reading books about psychology and sexology, and I also love the classics. My favorite authors are Maugham, Austen and Orwell.
And I want to start collecting money from different countries, but I haven’t taken it seriously yet. At the moment I have coins only from Kyrgyzstan and Lebanon. (I will be happy to exchange banknotes)
I would be glad to receive a postcard or letter from you! It would be great if a postcard or letter spoke a lot about you as a person. Maybe you can draw something. Maybe attach a photo of your street. Or maybe you can write your favorite joke? Anyway, I'll be glad to get to know you better.
If you find it difficult to choose a certain postcard, then here are the topics that interest me the most:
- coffee
- harry potter universe, love the Dramione pairing ( also like to read fanfiction about this pairing)
- motorcycles (I really love motorcycles and the biker community)
- maps of your country/province
- national food/recipes
- national character
- maxicard
- postcards with the name of your country (I want to collect a collection of postcards with the names of different countries)
And I really love Christmas! I love this festive atmosphere, I love giving gifts to my loved ones. I'd love a Christmas card
But I will be glad to any postcard that you like!
Thank you in advance and I wish that your hobby brings you a lot of pleasure ♥️
У меня огромная коллекция открыток из России. Я собирала коллекцию открыток с Драмионой, мотоциклами, поэтами (обожаю Есенина и Маяковского). Было бы здорово, если бы Вы отправили что-то из этого! Особенно сильно буду радоваться открыткам по Драмионе, потому что в Турции у меня пока нет открыток по ним :) Если ничего подобного нет, буду рада открыткам с названием Вашего региона) спасибо большое за то, что именно Вы отправляете мне открытку :)