Postcards sent: 92
Postcards received: 99
Postcards in progress: 0
Stars received: 5.00
Country: Turkey
Languages: Russian, English, Turkish
Member since: 01 September 2019
Last activity: 09 February 2025
My name is Yulia. Originally I am from Moscow, but I moved to Turkey 15 years ago.
I read books, go to cinema to watch new animated and action movies, play with my son in parks, spend much time by the sea and adore black coffee with milk.
I would be happy to receive the following postcards:
- national costumes, food, musical instruments and crafts;
- museum cards and museum exhibits;
- meet-up cards;
- tea and coffee / cups and mugs;
- desserts and sweets;
- cactuses and succulents;
- shaped cards;
- flags / maps;
- cards from your zoo;
- Keep calm and...
- Blue cats / WT Blue Cats (I have England, Germany, Italy, Russia),
- Ящики Почты России;
- Вышитая карта России (уже есть общая фигурная открытка, Адыгея, Архангельск, Башкирия, ЕАО, Иваново, Кострома, Краснодар, Крым, Мордовия, Москва, НАО, Омск, Саратов, Томск, Тюмень и Ульяновск),
- Города России от Картинка 24 (есть Архангельск, Барнаул, Брянск, Великий Новгород, Владивосток, Владимир, Волгоград, Дербент, Екатеринбург, Ижевск, Калининград, Калуга, Кемерово, Кижи, Краснодар, Красноярск, Липецк, Москва, Мурманск, Невельск, Нижний Новгород, Новороссийск, Новосибирск, Омск, Орел, Пермь, Псков, Ростов-на-Дону, Рязань, Самара, Санкт-Петербург, Саранск, Саратов, Севастополь, Сергиев Посад, Смоленск, Соловки, Сочи, Ставрополь, Суздаль, Сургут, Тверь, Томск, Тула, Тюмень, Уфа, Херсонес, Челябинск, Череповец, Южно-Сахалинск, Ярославль, Ясная Поляна).
But, of course, all postcards are welcome!
P.S. As it turned out envelopes reach me faster and almost never get lost by our post